Articles & Links
Diane's mother, Rita, leaving the funeral
Newspaper clipping about the Renassaince Fair
Bike theft's in the Austin area
Leontin Thompson water quote
Article that refers to Lance Loss as an "Unemployed Mechanic"
Marjorie Saklem, obituary
Tip Line
Have a tip? Please contact Jackie Nichols at the Asotin Sheriff’s Department
Confluence Documentary
If you haven't watched the documentary, Confluence, you need to.
You can also watch it on Vimeo.
'Stranger Things' article recalls the Satanic panic of the 1980s
The 1980s throwback, Stranger Things, has revived, among other things, the era of the Satanic panic of the 1980s, which was spurred by the discredited book, Michelle Remembers. And because we've mentioned this phenomenon on the show, I think it's worth busting some of the myths surrounding this spectacle. Also, if you think the Satanic panic was a mis-directed bygone paranoia, think again. Because it's back, but now it's called QAnon. Check out this article for more information
1995 report on alleged satanic/ritual abuse of children.
In "Characteristics and Sources of Allegations of Ritualistic Child Abuse," UC Davis professor Gail S. Goodman, et al, examined 12,000 alleged cases of satanic/sexual abuse of children in the 1980s, and found no evidence of any such activities. Ironically, they did find "convincing evidence" of sexual abuse in various religions and churches. Their analysis and conclusions were filed to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, under the Department of Justice. Nevertheless, the damage had already been done as such false allegations destroyed lives of innocent people. The report is an important reminder given the conspiracy theories floated by QAnon in their so called "Save the Children" hoax.
Facebook page on SRK cases
Gloria set up this page for general discussion about the cases related to the person of interest. It has over 2k members. Check it and join!
Facebook page on Person of Interest
Tina set this page up to focus on the person of interest specifically.